Audience enclosed in bubbles. Is this what concerts of the future look like?

Audience enclosed in bubbles. Is this what concerts of the future look like?
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Pandemic is revolutionizing the approach to many subjects. Large gatherings of people, crowds and cramped places – these are the things we should avoid nowadays. What future awaits concerts and festivals?

The pioneer in safe concerts in pandemic has become a band The Flaming Lips, which has already had three events in plastic, inflatable bubbles. What sounds like madness to some, to others brings hope for the return of concerts and other cultural events.

The Flaming Lips played in bubbles for the first time on Stephen Colbert’s talk show. It was during the early days of the pandemic – June 2020. Another attempt, during a small concert already with the audience, took place in October. The success of both events inspired the musicians to play a big concert.

The event took place in late January 2021 in Oklahoma. Both the musicians and the assembled audience were placed in inflatable bubbles. Each of the 100 balls contained a bottle of water, a towel, and signs to communicate with event staff. It was possible to report the need to go to the toilet, pumping fresh air or too high temperature in the ball. It was mandatory to wear masks outside the bubble.

Each sphere could accommodate up to 3 people at a time and high-frequency speakers were installed, which solved the problem of soundproofing. The event was very enthusiastically received by both musicians and concert attendees. The organizers assure that this solution is extremely safe. This may be the only chance for the return of live concerts.

Main photo: Viktor Forgacs/

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